Ray & Carmen

Plant-​Based ​Stylez

Nutrition & Lifestyle ​Coaching


Modern Burst Frames

About Us

We are Certified Plant-Based Nutritionists & ​long time Vegans. We aim to help others with ​Plant-Based meal plans and lifestyle coaching.

More 'About Us' Below!

Meal Plans ​tailored for you.

  • Eating plant-based
  • daily movement
  • practicing ​mindfulness.

these are the 3 pillars to ​achieving optimal ​health

Modern Burst Frames

Our goal as nutritionists is to ​communicate the care, craft, and ​creativity infused into the mind & body ​through healthy, nourishing & healing ​food.

Education & ​Coaching ​throughout ​your journey.

Feel assured ​you are not on ​this new health ​journey alone. ​We are right ​here with you ​as your mind ​and body ​transition & ​heal.

What we offer:

Modern Burst Frames
  • Free consultations
  • 2 Week transition meal plans.
  • 4 Week detox and elimination meal plans.
  • Weekly cooking tips & recipe ideas.
  • Quick response assistance.
  • 6 Week 'goal focused' meal plans & lifestyle programs.
  • Referals to more materials & resources that will inspire you!
Modern Burst Frames

Contact Us


Currently located in Spain, available online world wide!

Phone ​(Whatsapp)

(+61) 419787007   or (+34) 666371901



More About Us

Plant-Based Stylez consists of Ray McColl and Carmen Sánchez, who first met in Byron Bay, Australia at the beginning of 2020.

(Ray) I was working as a Bulk Food Manager in an Organic health-food store while Carmen was on a soul-seeking journey to a foreign land after having a ​premonition during a sunset in Canggu, Bali the previous year.

After overcoming long distance separation due to powerful forces bestowed upon the world, we eventually reconnected! This time in Carmen's native ​country of Spain. Together we decided to embark on certifying our mutually long held desire to promote our combined interest, experience and passion for ​healthy living, nutrition and helping others. We had both already completed a number of different courses and gained a lot of teachings across the globe. ​With both of us being long time Vegans, this next step to solidifying our education meant enrolling ourselves in a course for Plant-Based Nutrition. We chose ​the highly respected and highly regarded course offered at eCornell University. Apart from previous courses which we used to practice in the lead up, we ​managed to entrench and vindicate our beliefs that Plant-Based Nutrition and conscious living was the healthiest and most meaningful thing we could bring ​forward and promote for the benefit of Mankind, fellow earth dwellers and the environment. Together we took the opportunity and enjoyment from ​learning all this wonderfully combined information to create a platform where we could enlighten and empower people from Australia to Spain, as well as ​anyone that speaks English or Spanish! We hope to make a positive and permanent change to peoples lives and state of health that will encourage ​generations to live in a better world free of so many unnecessary yet generally accepted diseases and illnesses.

Come get in touch with us and share your curiosity, experience and goals!

We would love to connect and help as many individuals as possible.

Let's do it together!  

Big love,

Ray & Carmen 🌱💚

10 health benefits ​of eating ​artichokes

🌱🇦🇺 Here's 10 Health benefits of Artichokes that will help you appreciate why they are worth the effort to cook! 💚

If you still find the cooking preparation a turn off, try frozen artichokes from the freezer section, or an artichoke extract at the very least!

1. May have anticancer potential 🦠

Artichokes are rich in polyphenols and may have the highest antioxidant levels out of all vegetables making them helpful in inhibiting cancer cell ​proliferation.

2. May improve heart health 💚

Certain ingredients in their leaves might have been found to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the levels of good cholesterol ​(HDL or omega-3 fatty acids).

3. May help regulate blood pressure 🩸

Artichokes are rich in potassium which may help neutralize the effects of sodium, which is notorious for increasing blood pressure. (Diabetics are ​encouraged to eat artichokes to prevent the complications associated with blood pressure and that disease).

4. May improve liver health ☺️

Artichokes have been used as liver tonics for centuries. Two antioxidants found in artichokes, cynarin, and silymarin, may have been shown to ​improve overall health of the liver by possibly reducing the presence of toxins and facilitating their elimination from the liver and the body. Some ​studies have even shown these antioxidants to actively promote regrowth and repair of damaged liver cells!

5. May help in smoother bowel movements 💩

Artichokes might be a rich source of dietary fibre. Fibre can ease bloating, cramps, excess flatulence, and general discomfort in the stomach.

6. May be a good hangover cure 😌

Some people choose to chew on a few artichoke leaves after a night of heavy drinking due to the previously mentioned benefits to the liver, such ​as reducing any blockage as well as eliminating toxins in the blood.

7. May help prevent birth defects 👶🏼

Artichokes may help pregnant women have healthy, normally-formed children. The high levels of folate found in artichokes may help prevent ​neural tube defects from occurring in newborns. Folic acid is an essential part of a pregnancy diet.

8. May increase bone mineral density 🦷

Artichokes are rich in Magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. These minerals may be essential parts of increasing bone health and density, ​which will help prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.

9. May boost metabolism 📈

Magnesium and manganese may be essential parts of the body's metabolic process and they are found in a significant amount in artichokes. ​Magnesium is important for our protein synthesis as well as optimizing the intake of calcium by the body. Manganese has slightly more impact on ​our metabolic rates of cholesterol, amino acids, and carbohydrates.

10. May improve brain function 🧠

Artichokes quality as a vasodilator allows more oxygen to reach the brain for elevated cognitive function.

Phosphorus, an essential mineral found in artichokes may also be found in brain cells. Phosphorus deficiencies have been associated with a ​serious decline in cognitive ability, so grab some artichokes next time you go grocery shopping! 🛒




10 beneficios de ​las alcachofas ​para tu salud

🌱🇪🇸10 beneficios de las alcachofas que te ayudarán a darte cuenta por qué vale la pena cocinarlas! 💚

Si aún así no te llama la atención cocinarlas, prueba las alcachofas congeladas , ¡o al menos un extracto de alcachofa!

1. Puede tener propiedades anticancerígeno 🦠

Las alcachofas son ricas en polifenoles y pueden llegar a contener los niveles más altos de antioxidantes de todas las verduras, lo que las hace ​perfectas para inhibir la proliferación de células cancerosas.

2. Pueden mejorar la salud del corazón 💚

Ciertos componentes de sus hojas podrían ayudar a reducir los niveles de colesterol “malo” (LDL) y aumentar los niveles de colesterol “bueno” ​(HDL o ácidos grasos omega-3).

3. Pueden ayudar a regular la presión arterial 🩸

Las alcachofas son ricas en potasio, lo que puede ayudar a neutralizar los efectos del sodio, que es conocido por aumentar la presión arterial. ​(Se anima a los diabéticos a comer alcachofas para prevenir las complicaciones asociadas a la presión arterial y la diabetes).

4. Pueden mejorar la salud del hígado ☺️

Las alcachofas se han utilizado como tónicos para el hígado durante siglos. Dos antioxidantes presentes en las alcachofas, la cinarina y la ​silimarina, podrían mejoran la salud general del hígado al reducir la presencia de toxinas y facilitar su eliminación del hígado y el cuerpo. ¡Algunos ​estudios incluso han demostrado que estos antioxidantes promueven activamente el nuevo crecimiento y la reparación de las células hepáticas ​dañadas!

5. Puede ayudar a tener mejores movimientos intestinales 💩

Las alcachofas pueden ser una rica fuente de fibra. La fibra puede aliviar la hinchazón, los retortijones, el exceso de flatulencia y el malestar ​general en el estómago.

6. Puede ser una buena cura para la resaca 😌

Algunas personas optan por masticar unas cuantas hojas de alcachofa después de una noche de exceso de alcohol debido a los beneficios para ​el hígado mencionados anteriormente, como la reducción de cualquier obstrucción y la eliminación de toxinas en la sangre.

7. Puede ayudar a prevenir las malformaciones en el feto 👶🏼

Las alcachofas pueden ayudar a las mujeres embarazadas a tener bebes sanos. Los altos niveles de folato que se encuentran en las alcachofas ​pueden ayudar a prevenir defectos del tubo neural en los recién nacidos. El ácido fólico es una parte esencial en la dieta durante el embarazo.

8. Puede aumentar la densidad ósea 🦷

Las alcachofas son ricas en magnesio, fósforo y manganeso. Estos minerales son partes esenciales para aumentar la salud y la densidad de los ​huesos, lo que ayudará a prevenir enfermedades como la osteoporosis.

9. Puede acelerar el metabolismo 📈

El magnesio y el manganeso son esenciales en el proceso metabólico del cuerpo y se encuentran en cantidades significativas en las alcachofas. El ​magnesio es importante para nuestra síntesis de proteínas, así como para optimizar la absorción de calcio por parte del cuerpo. El manganeso ​tiene un impacto ligeramente mayor en nuestras tasas metabólicas de colesterol, aminoácidos y carbohidratos.

10. Puede mejorar la función cerebral 🧠

La propiedad de las alcachofas como vasodilatador permite que llegue más oxígeno al cerebro y así lograr una mejor función cognitiva.

El fósforo, un mineral esencial que se encuentra en las alcachofas, también se puede encontrar en las células cerebrales. La deficiencia de ​fósforo se ha asociado con una disminución grave de la capacidad cognitiva, ¡así que compra alcachofas la próxima vez que vaya al ​supermercado! 🛒


